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For this, you need a two blank, freshly formatted floppy disks. These floppy disks will be filled with enough information to start up your computer, and get the rest from the Internet. The data that needs to get on the floppy can be downloaded from here. This will get you a zip file with four files in it. If you cannot decompress zip files, download the disk image files files seperately, from here and here. Of course, when you've downloaded it, you need something to transfer it to the floppy disk.There's a small application that will do that for you, and it's included in the zip file, or you can download it to the same location on your hard disk by clicking here. After you have decompressed the zip file, you should have four files in the same directory, one called "boot1.fs", another called "boot2.fs", and one called "rawrite.exe" and a readme.txt. Restart your computer in MS-DOS mode. Start the "rawrite.exe" utiltity. You'll be asked for the 'source file name'. Type "boot1.fs" and hit enter. You'll be asked what drive the floppy disk is in. Most likely that is "A:". Enter that, and the utility will create a floppy disk for you. When it's done writing the floppy disk, do the same for the second floppy disk, and take both floppy disks to the computer that is going to be the firewall, and start that computer from the floppy disk you created with "boot1.fs".
The content of the readme.txt file you find in the zip file is as follows:
This README.TXT file is designed to assist you in creating a Disk Image using the included program "rawrite.exe". Items included in this Archive are: - boot1.fs ( The 1st Boot Disk Image) - boot2.fs ( The 2nd Boot Disk Image) - rawrite.exe ( The Disk Image Writer) In order to make this as simple as possible, please follow these instructions: (NOTE: Do NOT type the quotes surrounding the values instructed to be entered) 1.) Create a directory on the C: drive named "download" 2.) Copy the files listed above into the C:\download directory 3.) Open a DOS Prompt window: - On Windows95/98 select "RUN" from the "START" menu and type "COMMAND" then press ENTER. - On WindowsNT/2000 select "RUN" from the "START" menu and type "CMD" then press ENTER. 4.) Type "CD\" then press ENTER. (This should bring you to the C:\ Prompt) 5.) Type "CD\download" then press ENTER. (This should bring you to the C:\downloads Prompt) 6.) Type "rawrite" then press ENTER. 7.) When prompted for the 'source file name' enter "boot1.fs" to create disk #1 or "boot2.fs" to create disk #2. 8.) You'll be asked which drive is the 3.5" Floppy drive. Enter the drive letter (Usually 'A') and the disk will be created. 9.) Repeat to create the second disk. At this point you should have two Boot diskettes. Label them appropriately so you do not forget which ones they are. Now you may proceed with the installation as detailed at: |