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NetBSD/i386 Firewall supports all the hardware that is supported by a standard NetBSD install. That's quite a lot, and the list is updated all the time. For a recent list, please check out the NetBSD web site. The minimal configuration for a NetBSD/Firewall system requires a 80486 processor, 8M of RAM and about 40M of disk space. A minimum install of NetBSD is 4 MB of RAM on a 80386, but for a busy firewall, we recommend a bit higher than that. Of course, you're free to experiment if you've got a 80386 with 4 MB of RAM. Here's a short version of the list (this list is copied from here):
Any i386 or better CPU should work - genuine Intel or a compatible such as Cyrix, AMD, or NexGen. Devices (driver names in parenthesis) supported by NetBSD/i386 include: